Speaker: Yu Pan(Tianjin University)
Time: 10:00-11:00, Sep 26, 2023
Room: C1124, Material Science Research Building (Section C), USTC
A major theme in symplectic and contact topology is the study of Legendrian knots and exact Lagrangian surfaces. In the talk, we will talk about some flexibility results of immersed Lagrangian surfaces using augmentation, a Floer type invariant of Legendrian knots. In particular, for an immersed filling of a topological knot, one can do surgery to resolve a double point with the price of increasing the surface genus by 1. In the Lagrangian analog, one can do Lagrangian surgery on immersed Lagrangian fillings to treat a double point by a genus. In this talk, we will explore the possibility of reversing the Lagrangian surgery, i.e., compressing a genus into a double point. It turns out that not all Lagrangian surgery is reversible.