6.27【Yu Li】Rigidity in the moduli space of Ricci shrinkers


Speaker: Yu Li (USTC)

Time: 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 June 27, 2023

Room: 2503 Second Teaching Building, Tencent Meeting ID:942-663-0176, no password


 As the critical metrics of Perelman’s µ-functional, Ricci shrinkers play a crucial role in analyzing the singularity formation of the Ricci flow. However, classifying Ricci shrinkers in four or higher dimensions remains incomplete and challenging. In these lectures, I will primarily address the rigidity problem within the moduli space of Ricci shrinkers. The topics covered will include the deformation theory of compact Ricci shrinkers, the rigidity of cylinders for non-compact Ricci shrinkers, and the uniqueness of the tangent flow for cylindrical singularities.