11-10【Xueyuan Wan】Signature for flat unitary bundles over surfaces with boundary


Speaker: Xueyuan Wan (Chongqing University of Technology)

Time: 14:00-15:00, Nov 10, 2023

Room: USTC Shanghai lnstitute for Advanced Studies, Room 414;


This talk explores representations of the fundamental groups of compact surfaces with boundaries into Hermitian type Lie groups. We compare the signature ofassociated local systems to the Toledo invariant extending the rho invariant to discontinuous class functions, first on U(p,q), then on other groups through U(p,q) embeddings. We unify three invariants - signature.Toledo, and rho - in the style of Atiyah-Patodi-Singer's signature formula for boundary manifolds. This is joint work with Professors Inkang Kim and Pierre Pansu.