• Bailing Wang The Australian National University, Australia Research Interests: pure mathematics, algebraic and differential geometry, mathematical physics, mathematical aspects of quantum and conformal field theory 2023.10.05—2023.10.12
  • Yu Pan Tianjin University Research Interests: symplectic and contact topology, geometric topology, knot theory 2023.09.25—2023.09.26
  • Feng Hao Shandong University Research Interests: algebraic geometry, Hodge theory 2023.09.08—2023.09.09
  • Yajnaseni Dutta Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands Research Interests: hyperkähler manifolds, cohomology jump loci, birational geometry, Hodge theory and Hodge module theory 2023.09.08—2023.09.09
  • Zhiqiang Wei Henan University Research Interests: differential geometry 2023.08.01—2023.08.31
  • Jialin Zhu Chongqing Univeisity of Technology Research Interests: global analysis, analysis on manifolds 2023.07.24—2023.08.25
  • Guillaume Tahar Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) Research Interests: differential geometry, moduli spaces, dynamical systems 2023.08.07—2023.08.14
  • Weixu Su Sun Yat-sen University Research Interests: Teichmüller space, hyperbolic geometry 2023.06.30—2023.07.02
  • Ya Deng Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France Research Interests: complex geometry 2023.06.25—2023.07.27
  • Xiaohuan Mo Peking University Research Interests: Riemann-Finsler geometry and geometric variational problems 2023.06.27—2023.06.28
  • Siran Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University Research Interests: PDE in geometry and fluid mechanics, applied mathematics 2023.06.07—2023.06.07
  • Yuning Liu NYU Shanghai Research Interests: calculus of variation, geometric evolution equation, mathematics of complex fluid 2023.06.07—2023.06.07